
Film & TV

The global entertainment authority
for verified and timely information
on people, projects and company

Greenlight Your Career with Hollywood's #1 Data Source

Unlock Hollywood’s best kept secret

For $35 per month, you’ll know who’s who and what’s next with the same data and analytics platform used by major studios, production companies, talent agencies, streamers and more.

Your credit card will only be billed at the end of your free trial and you can cancel at any time.

Benefits include:

  • Full Credits & Representation Info

    (Personal Email & Phone Not Included)

  • Quick & Advanced Search for TV, Film, Digital Projects and Talent
  • Company Mainline Phone, Address, Website, Social Media
  • Employee Lists

    (Personal Email & Phone Not Included)

  • Weekly Box Office Stats
  • Linear TV Ratings
  • Upcoming Releases
  • Global Data: US, UK, Canada, Brazil, India, Japan & South Korea

Explore Our Range of Products

As entertainment’s preeminent data and insights company, our services unlock the most trustworthy information across music, film and television.

Interested in Luminate Music?

Request a demo for our subscription-based music platform or our data management and matching services.

Interested in Luminate Film & TV?

Inquire about our verified film & TV metadata and DEI entertainment information and resources.

Interested in Luminate Insights?

Inquire about consultative services available in global research, audience insights and brand marketing across all entertainment.