
Apply Now to Become a Luminate Data Partner

Luminate works with hundreds of verified data partners from across the globe to ensure that we are able to present the most accurate and trusted collections of entertainment data and insights available.

From online and brick-and-mortar retailers to metadata providers, to audio and video streaming services to specialized content providers, all Luminate partners are vetted for accuracy and held to the highest standards. Once a partner is approved, our team works with them to assure that their onboarding process is easy and their ongoing data integration process is seamless.

Apply Now to be a Data Provider in 2025

Independent record stores are a valuable part of the North American music ecosystem and Luminate is dedicated to receiving authentic reported sales data from as many Indie Stores as possible.

In order for your business to qualify as an official reporting retailer, your data must meet criteria set by both Billboard and Luminate and be approved by the Luminate Content Services team.

The following are the minimum requirements for reporting independent retailers:

  1. Applicant must be prepared to provide weekly sales data from an electronic point of sale system or P.O.S. (i.e. Square, Stripe, Lightspeed, Shopify, Clover, Toast) in a plain text file format that is pipe delimited or via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Transfer details and credentials will be provided upon approval.
  2. Applicant must be prepared to submit no less than four weeks of consecutive sales data for evaluation before their application will be eligible for approval.
  3. Applicants must be capable of recurring reporting on multiple artists.
  4. Applicants must be capable of consistently reporting at least weekly. If a reporter fails to submit their reports for more than two weeks without notice they will be considered inactive and will need to repeat the four week trial period before being reintroduced into the Luminate market share and the Billboard charts.
  5. Mail Order applicants must be capable of screening for bulk purchases across their customer email, shipping address, billing address, and IP customer variables.

How to submit your retail business for consideration as a data reporting partner:

1. Complete the New Provider application form by clicking the “Apply Now” button below.

(For a quick video on how to complete the form click “How to complete the New Provider Form”.)

2. The Luminate Content Services team will review your submission and reply by email to ask any further questions and determine if your business is eligible.

3. The Luminate Data Partners team will then reach out by email to process your application, which will include:

a. Providing you with the required electronic file format information

b. Reviewing reporting Instructions (i.e – Frequency, deadlines, etc)

c. Testing a File submission from your business sent by email

d. Reviewing those files and deliver feedback (if needed)

e. Performing a Test Load of your sales data on to the Luminate platform

f. Setting a four-week evaluation window during which the retailer will be required to submit active sales data.
(note: retailer sales will not be recorded during the evaluation period.)

g. Review the evaluation data and determining if it is authentic and properly formatted for ingestion into the Luminate platform

Upon meeting all criteria, the retailer will be approved to submit data to Luminate and a Sales Provider agreement will be issued. Once executed, the retailer will receive secure transfer credentials and their business will be officially on-boarded!

Approved retailers can submit their sales data daily or weekly. The will need to:

  1. Export their sales data as a bar delimited text file
  2. Properly name the file
  3. Securly upload it to the Luminate File Transfer Server using a free File Transfer Protocal (FTP) application (Mozilla)

Don’t worry – Luminate Data Partners will walk you through the entire process.

Luminate is always looking to add new high-value data partners to our collections. If you are a streamer interested in sharing your data with Luminate, please submit your request by following these directions:

  1. Enter your reporting submission request by CLICKING HERE
  2. Within one week of submission you will receive follow-up from

Luminate is always looking to add new high-value data partners to our collections! If you are interested in sharing your data with Luminate, please submit your request by following these directions:

  1. Enter your reporting submission request by CLICKING HERE
  2. Within one week of submission you will receive follow-up from

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As entertainment’s preeminent data and insights company, our services unlock the most trustworthy information across music, film and television.

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