Exporting J-Pop: Listening & Fandom

By Jaime Marconette
, VP, Music Insights & Industry Relations
VP, Music Insights & Industry Relations
February 27, 2024
— 2 min read
By Jaime Marconette
, VP, Music Insights & Industry Relations
VP, Music Insights & Industry Relations
February 27, 2024
— 2 min read

Earlier today in Japan, Helena Kosinski, Luminate’s VP of International, delivered a presentation for a private Luminate event detailing key music consumption trends and developments in the Japanese music market. Along with details including Japan’s rank as the 7th largest music market based on Total On-Demand (Audio + Video) streams, Kosinski explained how J-Pop is growing outside of Japan as well as the spending habits of these ex-Japan listeners.

Pop Genre Total Audio + Video Streams in 2023. Japan: 64.4% J-Pop. Taiwan: 8.5% J-Pop. Hong Kong: 6.9% J-Pop. Korea: 4.0% J-Pop. Thailand: 3.8% J-Pop. Vietnam: 2.4% J-Pop. United States: 1.9% J-Pop.

While J-Pop makes up 64.4% of all Pop-music listening in Japan, the subgenre makes up less than 10% of the Pop listening in many other Asian markets. For example, it makes up 4% of all Pop listening in the Republic of Korea and 3.8% in Thailand. Yet, Luminate Insights international consumer research demonstrates why these listeners are so valuable in terms of the opportunity to maximize revenue and grow the genre.

In the Republic of Korea, 33% of J-Pop listeners plan to attend a live music concert in the next 12 months. They are 27% more likely to do this than the average music listeners in their country. In Thailand, the average J-Pop music listener spends 2,075฿ per month on music activities, which is 58% more than the average Thai music listener (1,310฿). In the U.S., J-Pop listeners spend twice as much per month on artist merch ( USD) than the average U.S. music listener ( USD).

As J-Pop grows outside of Japan, understanding the consumer habits in various territories is critical to finding new fans and sustaining revenue while acquiring a music consumption foothold in these markets.

LUMINATE INSIGHTS MUSIC 360: 2023 (U.S.), 2022 (The Republic of Korea, Thailand)


By Keelan Brown
March 21, 2025
— 2 min read

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